The first day of Legacy Bible Conference dawned with anticipation for several days of focused attention on God’s Word—a tradition Pensacola Christian College has honored for the past 50 years.
Starting off with the Student Prayer and Praise service, students and guest speakers gathered in the Crowne Centre on Wednesday. This hour was designed to share encouragement and prepare hearts for the days ahead. “Bible Conference is a time where PCC challenges us to focus on one thing, and that one thing alone,” shared Jillian Sanchez (So., AL) to her peers. “Remember who you are. He has something for you.”

A Break for Students
After the praise service, students made a beeline to Eagle Field, where a special baseball-themed picnic awaited them. They lined up for a box lunch and at booths for free ice cream, hot dogs, nachos, and pretzel bites. Together, friends could feast on picnic blankets while listening to Voices of PCC and a spirited brass ensemble—then try out their baseball skills at the batting cage or speed pitch. Games were available around the field such as Spikeball and Cornhole, volleyball or basketball, or wagon and trolly rides—and so many more activities.
“Being able to spend time with my family and friends is so relaxing since I don’t have to worry about any quizzes or assignments for that week.”
The picnic brings leisure time for friends to socialize without thinking about their studies. “What I enjoy most about the Bible Conference Picnic,” said Daniel Small (So., FL), “is that I am able to take time when I am usually in class and spend time [with] my family and friends. Being able to spend time with [them] is so relaxing since I don’t have to worry about any quizzes or assignments for that week.”
The Importance of God’s Word
Why does administration suspend classes and activities during this time? Because the Word of God is important. And PCC wants students to be encouraged in their walk with God. “For half a century, PCC has stood for the Word of God, boldly proclaiming the message of Christ crucified, risen, and coming again,” declared Dr. Jon Lands, PCC executive vice president, during the Wednesday evening service. He invited the audience to reminisce collectively about God’s faithfulness in the past and look forward to what God will do in the years to come.
“Bible Conference is a wonderful time to encourage all of us to focus on God’s Word.”

Having a diversion from his usual routine allows Bobby Church (Sr., KS) to give his full attention to the services. “It’s refreshing for me to go into the messages not having to worry about my classes, and I can focus clearly on the message,” he said. “I’ve been encouraged to listen to what God is telling me to do instead of tuning Him out.”
Jaelen Shannon (Sr., FL) understands the importance of having godly friends. “Bible Conference is a wonderful time to encourage all of us to focus on God’s Word, but having godly friends to push you and be there for you in a time of spiritual need makes it even better,” she shared. “Not only is it a fun experience, but it also helps us to grow closer to each other spiritually and, more importantly, to the Lord.”
Glad to be a part of this memorable year in PCC history, Seth Burdick (Fr., FL) is reminded that “even though I am attending a Christian college, I must still focus on God and growing closer to Him.” He admitted, “It is very different from when my parents attended PCC; one of my parents was around for PCC’s 25th anniversary too, so there is some special connection there.”
The Legacy of Influence
Since PCC was founded half a century ago, many speakers have influenced the lives of countless students. Nine of them spoke this year: Dr. Raymond Barber, Dr. Jon Lands, Dr. Johnny Pope, Dr. Jim Schettler, Pastor David Goforth, Pastor Ernie Merritt, Dr. Jeff Redlin, and Dr. Richard Wallace. Three additional speakers spoke in Breakout Sessions on Friday afternoon: Mr. Joshua Hershberger, Dr. Bradley Edmondson, and Pastor Matt Teis. Remembering those beloved speakers who have passed away, tributes to Dr. Shane Lewis and Dr. Clyde Box were given through brief video clips as well as an inclusive photo collage at the start of the evening services.
Each man from the pulpit continues to make a difference in the lives of the current student body. Japhlet Williams (Jr., WA) has been encouraged to witness how much the speakers love the Bible. “They live and breathe the Word of God, and that’s the way we ought to be [too],” she said. After hearing Dr. Barber speak, Japhlet was “moved by how he quoted verse after verse and even some songs. He clearly has a passion for the Bible, and he’s not ashamed.”

Udo Abraham (Jr., MN) appreciates hearing from the pastors and special speakers who “always have a challenge from God’s Word that has broadened and deepened my walk with God.” He added, “Pastor Merritt reminded me that I need to have a desire to be anchored to the Rock because God knows me. He knows the crisis/crises that I am in, and He is there to help me out. I don’t have to do it alone but instead to put my full dependence in Him.”
“I have a deep love for music, and hearing songs about the love of Christ for us has been a big blessing to me.”
Dr. Pope’s sermon about Calvary touched Elisabeth Eacho’s (Fr., NC) heart. “After coming out of that message and hearing once again of all the pain and agony Jesus went through, I had a deeper realization that there is truly no one who loves me like my Savior loves me,” she said. Elisabeth also enjoyed the music throughout the conference. “I have a deep love for music, and hearing songs about the love of Christ for us has been a big blessing to me.”
Experiencing Bible Conference for himself allowed Daniel to witness what God has done over the years at PCC. “When my parents came to College, Pastor Schettler was the current pastor of Campus Church,” Daniel said. “They quote statements he would make in his sermons that have very practical life meanings.” Several of Daniel’s older siblings currently attend PCC or have graduated before him. “I am able to personally see how God’s hand has currently been working on this College and in all the previous Bible Conferences. I am truly blessed to [be] where our administration, faculty, and staff actively encourage us to grow daily in our walk with the Lord.”
As a pastoral ministries student, Stephen Divakar (Jr., TN) observed the various styles of preaching that come with each speaker’s life experience. “I’ve learned that God gives different preachers different styles and experiences from which to draw so that, ultimately, God speaks to the hearts of each individual who is attentive,” he explained. “I’ve noticed that during [this break], it seems like I have a lot of time to refocus on God’s Word, but to my shame, I’ve had to ask myself, why can’t I have the same focus on God throughout the semester? By God’s grace and with His help, I will fix my eyes on God and trust Him as I fulfill His desires.”

During the final service, Dr. Jim Schettler challenged the student body to take their faith further by surrendering all. “I don’t know if it’s your academics, dreams, a relationship, or athletics. . . . But God [asks if] you’re willing to hand it over to Him, because you will never see Jehovah-Jireh until you give that which you have—that you love—over to God,” Schettler said. “God will never take anything out of your life without replacing it with something better.”
To close out Legacy Bible Conference 2024, Dr. Troy Shoemaker, college president, was eager to introduce a special performance: “There is something powerful and awe-inspiring about the worship we share together in music.” The orchestra, several choirs and ensembles, and ministerial men assembled for an incredible, soul-stirring musical finale that can be replayed on the Watch PCC site. “This year, we’ve shared music that is centered on the pillars of the gospel: the message of Christ crucified, risen, and coming again. As we conclude our historical Legacy Bible Conference, here is a music reprise, highlighting portions of select pieces from the last few days, . . . expressing gratitude to God for His Word and for His work in our lives.”