Throughout the years, Pensacola Christian College has ensured that students have the opportunity to attend forums and seminars where speakers present topics related to a variety of fields. And this year, to honor nearly 50 years of pursuing academic excellence, PCC is putting a special emphasis on alumni speakers. At their presentations, alumni show students how they can use their degrees to succeed in a variety of careers. “The goal is that [students] can see how the material that we are presenting in the classroom is used every day in real life,” said Dr. John Cuendet, chair of Business.
Preparing Students for Their Field

To ensure students are prepared for their fields, PCC invites speakers who are accomplished in their respective vocations. This exposure to educational lecturers teaches students the skills they need to be exceptional in their careers. Joshua Huber (Mechanical Engineering ’01), who owns an engineering firm, used his forum to stress how essential it is to communicate clearly with those inside and outside of the engineering field. “It’s important to know how to work with people,” he remarked. “Learning how to communicate technical concepts to people with little or no technical training is important. When someone else is paying for something an engineer designs, it is often necessary to communicate the reasons for engineering decisions.”
“The practices and habits developed in college are the seeds for lifelong learning.”
Students attending seminars and forums can get advice on how they can keep learning about their area and better develop their skills long after graduation. “I advised students to deeply engage with the art of the past and present, suggesting they study masterpieces in museums,” said TJ Cunningham (Commercial Art ’10), a professional artist whose seminar focused on helping art students continue to master their craft beyond graduation. “I attributed my technical foundation to my education at Pensacola Christian College and sought to show students that the practices and habits developed in college are the seeds for lifelong learning.”
Expanding Options for Success

Attending forums and seminars introduces students to new people and information that can open more options for their futures. At Mike Arbrouet (Computer Science ’05) and Joshua Bennett’s (Computer Science/Software Engineering ’15) software engineering forum, Daniel Mitchell (Sr., OH) networked with accomplished professionals and businesses, improving his employment possibilities. “I was able to connect with several alumni and follow several companies on LinkedIn that I have the opportunity to reach out to in the future for career advice and direction,” he said. “Connecting with alumni presenting at the [forum] is also a great way for me to stay engaged with a greater variety of businesses that information technology supports.”
“One important thing for students to realize is that it’s possible for them to get to the goals they have after college.”
For Keirstin Turnquist (Sr., WI), attending a nursing seminar showed her that a nursing degree gives her many career directions after graduation. “I was really interested in what [the speaker] had to say about flight nursing,” she remarked. “It’s really encouraging that nursing school isn’t it. There’s so much we can do after we graduate [and] so many cool opportunities that we will have.”
This year, PCC has shined a light on those who have made up its legacy. Through their presentations, alumni show students that their time at PCC prepares them to achieve their goals and influence the world for Christ. “One important thing for students to realize is that it’s possible for them to get to the goals they have after college,” said Dr. Shane Smith, chair of the Natural Sciences. “So many times you look ahead, and you feel like you can’t do it. But [then] they hear a former student who has graduated and has gone down the same pathway and is now very successful. They encourage our students that they can do it and that they will be prepared when they get there.”