“Congratulations, class of 2024, you made it!”
Sombrero-wearing, poncho-clad greeters cheered as Pensacola Christian College seniors funneled into the Sports Center arena. Students milled about, talking to old friends and making new ones. Cheers erupted from the crowd as senior class president Samuel Barragan (FL) got everyone’s attention. Joined by Dr. Troy Shoemaker, College president, Samuel welcomed the senior class and congratulated them on making it to their final year.
Tacos, Churros, and Amigos
Dr. Shoemaker and his wife Denise, Campus Church Pastor Jeff Redlin, and Student Life Deans Brad and Lee Ann Phillips all joined in the fiesta, participating in photo ops throughout the evening. Some students pointed and chuckled at a slideshow that highlighted the class of 2024’s time at PCC; others raced friends on an inflatable obstacle course. After competing on the course, students made their way to craft tables, working together to make friendship bracelets. Fun, fiesta-themed music played in the background.

“I really enjoyed the sense of community this party encouraged.”
“The food was amazing!” shared Danielle Kickbush (FL). La Hacienda provided the food for this event, and students were able to indulge in delicious tacos, churros, traditional Mexican-style drinks like horchata, and Mexican candy. “This was probably one of the best class parties I’ve been to. And I really enjoyed the sense of community this party encouraged.”
A Job Well Done
For these seniors, their college years have been littered with challenges. “The 2024 class started their college experience in the middle of a global pandemic,” explained Annika Bringman (MO). “That was not an easy task for any of us.” But despite each roadblock, they persevered.
“God has used these years to grow me, stretch me, and strengthen me in ways I never expected.”
Many in this year’s graduating class have grown spiritually and academically during their college career. “The years I’ve spent at PCC have been simultaneously the best and worst years of my life,” Annika admitted. “God has used these years to grow me, stretch me, and strengthen me in ways I never expected. I’ve met my closest friends here, and I wouldn’t change a single moment of my experience here.”
Jacob Barber (FL) agreed, noting how much he changed during his college years. “It was a learning experience, not just academically but spiritually and socially,” he explained. “I came as a timid freshman questioning his faith, but now I am confident.”

The class officers recognized the challenges their class has faced during college and wanted to celebrate the class’s hard work, gaining inspiration from their class verse, Ecclesiastes 5:19b. “We as officers wanted our class to be able ‘to rejoice in [their] labor, that is the gift of God,’” Samuel shared.
Through this year’s fiesta, seniors were able to take a step back and enjoy the fruits of their labor. “I really enjoyed just getting to push my responsibilities to the side for one night and getting to spend time with my friends and celebrating together,” Kayla Leinbach (PA) said. “The senior class party was just such an amazing time. I’m so thankful for all the planning and hard work that went into putting it together. Graduation is suddenly starting to feel very real, and I’m so thrilled that the class of 2024 has finally made it!”