Half-packed suitcases cover beds while the dust-free desk holds the freshly-cleaned desk chairs and an emptied trash can. Everything smells like Clorox wipes and cleaning spray, while “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” plays loudly from the bathroom where the shower is getting a good scrub for White Glove cleaning. It’s at this point that reality starts to sink in—it’s almost time to go home!
White Glove isn’t exactly synonymous with “White Christmas,” but the deep cleaning ritual often brings its own traditions among Pensacola Christian College students. “At White Glove, it’s my tradition with my friends to [listen] to Christmas music while cleaning,” said Breann Allen (Sr., GA). “This year, I got to merge that with my roommate’s tradition of getting pizza.”

Leading up to the semester’s closing days, students have been embracing the season by listening to Christmas music, exchanging small gifts, and spending time with each other. “Studying with friends in the Commons for finals is such a bittersweet thing to do. We are all stressed and excited at the same time. The urge to go home is distracting, but we all know we have to stay motivated to finish out the semester,” said Kali Hebert (Jr., VA). “As hard as we try though, we can never seem to get in enough studying because we realize that we won’t be together again for almost a month, so we usually end up pushing the books aside for a bit and connecting as friends.”
For some northern students, the colder weather during this time of year doesn’t disappoint, although it can make them a little homesick. “I am very much looking forward to seeing my family and seeing snow!” said Student Body pianist Bill Fennell (Sr., OH). “I’m from Ohio, and the weather here is honestly sometimes just as cold as it is there.”
After the closing convocation, students will start journeying back to their families. Once home, Kali knows exactly what she’s looking forward to after being away for so long. “This is the first break I won’t be working, so I am going to have a chance to take over some household responsibilities for my family and just help everyone else relax,” she said.
Other students have their own plans figured out as well. “I’m a senior this year and have spent a lot of all-nighters working on projects,” said Breann. “Not having a due date hanging over my head and [sleeping] until noon is something I look forward to.”
“Home-cooked food, sleeping normal hours, seeing friends and family, but most importantly cuddling with my dog,” said Amanda Ruscito (Jr., Canada).
“I’m excited to see my family, friends, and fiancé. My mom always has a big cheesecake sampler, lots of Christmas cookies, and several different kinds of hot cocoa to gorge ourselves on,” said Carrie Christensen (Sr., NC). “My family also takes a yearly trip to Chimney Rock, NC, to enjoy the mountains.”
With residence hall rooms cleaned, finals taken, and suitcases in tow, students leave campus to spend time with family and enjoy some academic rest, but we will be looking forward to having them back in mid-January.