In these uncertain times, PCC recognizes that the needs of students may have changed as they pursue a college education. As a response to Covid-19, the College has developed PCC Cares—an assistance and assurance plan specifically for PCC students.
PCC Cares is an initiative that aims to reduce students’ financial, academic, and health concerns by providing timely solutions for the upcoming year. Regular scholarships and loans will remain available, but students are welcome to take advantage of any eligible financial aid—including anything they’ve been granted previously and anything new being offered only this fall.
Financial Assistance
Across the 2020–2021 school year, tuition will be frozen at the 2019–2020 price to ease the financial burden for students and families. An optional 12-month payment plan for tuition, room and board will be available for all full-time undergraduate students. Under the 12-month payment plan, the first payment of each semester will be $500, with the scholarship award divided among the remaining ten payments. Students awarded scholarships will see the scholarship benefits reflected evenly on each tuition payment on the 8-month payment plan. For the fall semester, all students will have a $200 credit to put towards textbooks and supplies from the Textbook Sale and Campus Store.
To assist new students in their first semester, room and board for the fall semester will be half off the usual price. Continuing students with Fourth-Year-Free, which has been paid for by the College, will be able to borrow up to half of their seventh semester’s room and board for the fall semester. Anything borrowed will be frozen at the fall 2020 room and board rate and won’t have to be repaid until the student’s seventh semester. Returning students without Fourth-Year-Free will be able to put off up to half of the fall semester’s room and board and can pay the amount, also at the frozen rate, up to 6 months after their graduation date.
International students can take advantage of the temporary international student payment plan for the 2020–2021 school year, which allows these students to pay up to half of their college bill at the beginning of each semester and pay the remaining balance at midterms.
Academic Support
PCC is optimistic about the fall semester and is planning to maintain the current academic calendar. As students return to begin classes, changes will be in place to keep students safe in the classroom. A limited selection of online courses will be offered at the same time as traditional on-campus instruction to allow for smaller class sizes in traditionally larger lecture classes. However, students remaining in Covid-19 hotspot locations will have priority for any online course offerings. Also, personal academic support will be available to meet with any students struggling to meet their degree requirements and will assist with finding solutions they can use to graduate on time, including internships or preceptorships.
Campus Health
Returning students can look forward to several changes aimed at maintaining a healthy campus. Anticipated—and often crowded—student events such as Greek Rush may be modified, and Eagles intercollegiate sports game attendance limited to promote a healthier campus. Events such as chapel and Fine Arts will be modified to accommodate students while remaining within the current capacity requirements. One enhancement that was planned before the Covid-19 outbreak included residence hall students having the ability to request all of their roommates. More details concerning this roommate request process will be announced in July, although the number of occupants per residence hall room will depend on current conditions.
As we begin to move toward normalcy, PCC will continue to adjust preventive measures with adherence to CDC guidelines, current conditions, and local health department advisement. Please continue to pray for God’s guidance and continued protection as we face this adventure together.