Christmas Day is just around the corner! With finals, White Glove, and packing for Christmas break done, students at Pensacola Christian College have wrapped up another memorable semester, and thoughts have turned toward home and Christmas break.
Remembering Fun Times

Visions of sugar plums may have danced in students’ heads as they left campus, and minds certainly brimmed with unforgettable memories from the fall semester. From Fine Arts to sports events, there was something special for everyone to enjoy. Sydni Kelly (Sr., FL) found the Eagles soccer games the most memorable. She said, “It was a break from school and a fun time to hang out with friends and cheer on the Eagles.”
PCC’s annual Christmas Lights Celebration event topped this year’s busy semester. Humming with good cheer, students watched a dazzling light and caroling show that warmed hearts with the Christmas spirit. “The Christmas lights display is probably the best I have ever seen. I appreciate all the work that has gone into it,” said Nick Chervek (Jr., IA).
Celebrating Christmas
With hundreds of Christmas lights setting the holiday atmosphere, students dove into celebrating their own Christmas traditions on campus. “I have big plans for Christmas on campus this year!” said Ryan Bame (Sr., NC), a residence assistant graduating this spring. “My fiancée and I always make a gingerbread house in the Commons, [and] I usually have a Christmas get-together with the guys on my floor.”
Once everyone leaves campus for break, a long winter’s nap tops many to-do lists, along with internships or jobs at home. However, most students are focused on the family Christmas traditions they will celebrate. Carissa Breed (Sr., NV) anticipates a parade of traditions that center on the Reason for the season. “Growing up, my parents wanted to teach my siblings and me to focus on others and to give because that’s what Jesus did,” she said. Her family spends Christmas Day giving gifts to friends and family and throws a dinner for church members without family. “It all started as a way to simply bless others, [but] I can honestly say that it’s my all-time favorite tradition. We are always the ones the most blessed by it.”

Looking Forward
With Closing Convocation ending the semester, the holidays present an opportunity to look forward to the promises the new year holds. And students will soon return to a fresh semester, with events like Bible Conference, Greek Week, and the much-anticipated Commencement Ceremonies. For December graduates, the season signals the ending of one chapter and the beginning of another. Austin Hadley (Sr., NY), a graduating professional writing student, will be exploring how God will use the writing skills his PCC education has given him. “All of my writing is for Him, and most of it is about Him,” he said. “I’m not honestly sure what all the details of life will look like. I know I will serve in my church and look for new ways to serve God with the skills He’s given me. I don’t know exactly what that will [be], but I do know that God will bless if I choose to follow Him.”
Now that the semester is tied off, celebrating Christ’s birth takes center stage as students race home. Elise Laporte (Fr., Canada) said it well: “I’ve enjoyed being here on campus, [but I] can’t wait for Christmas break!”
And from everyone at PCC, we wish our students a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!