“Phi Sigma Rho! Phi Sigma Rho”
“Alpha Sigma! Alpha Sigma!”
“Go Hurricanes!”
Collegian chants competed to be heard. Marching band music blared from speakers lining the sidewalk. Booths sat along Main Drive and perched on Varsity Terrace. Pensacola Christian College students flooded the area, running from booth to booth as collegian members, like carnival vendors, shouted to passers-by. Tangible energy engulfed the scene.
Connecting with New Students

On the second Friday of the fall semester, students campus-wide participate in Greek Rush, an event where all 48 collegians work to recruit new members. Each collegian understands the importance of Greek Rush and tries to provide a fun experience while making a good first impression. “We try to give the new freshmen what we got [from Greek Rush] as freshmen, while trying to make it even better and adding our own personalities into the process,” shared Josiah Tyler (Jr., IL), president of the Delta Pi Kings. “We want to welcome freshmen of all kinds and offer a place of high energy where those looking for a network of faith, friends, and fun can find a home.” This sense of unity and inclusion can be found among all PCC collegians.
The “process” of Greek Rush always follows the same pattern: the Connect, where new students can meet collegian officers and members at personalized booths, and the Parade, where each collegian showcases their creativity as they march down Main Drive. And this year was no different!
“We want to welcome freshmen of all kinds and offer a place of high energy where those looking for a network of faith, friends, and fun can find a home.”

During this year’s Connect, collegian members proudly worked their booths, talking to as many students as they could. When conversing to new students, collegian members emphasized the feeling of community that collegians add to the college experience. “My experience with the Patriots has been nothing but positive,” said Elisabeth Romero (Sr., FL), vice president of the Pi Epsilon Patriots. “Our collegian’s unity is a nice comfort, knowing we girls have a bond.”
The booths lining Main Drive were decked out in as many decorations and collegian gear as they could hold—brightly colored flags, banners, and balloons caught students’ eyes, drawing audiences to each one. Students enjoyed going from booth to booth, talking with different members and playing carnival-style games such as cornhole, basketball competitions, and a dunk tank.
The Connect provided freshmen and new students a memorable experience. “Greek Rush was truly awesome!” said freshman Brooke Barnes (TN). “I loved being able to go around and meet different people and see all the cool decorations. It’s probably one of my favorite experiences so far.”
Showcasing the Collegians
After the Connect, students cleared Main Drive and found their places along the sidewalk, waiting for the Parade to start. The Parade always gathers a crowd—participating floats, sport cars, and even buses highlight each collegian in fun, individualized ways.

Collegians had spent weeks planning, organizing, and creating their entry. Crowds saw floats such as the Pi Zeta Wolverines army tank and Kappa Psi Scorpions giant scorpion. Alpha Theta Rockets, who won women’s collegian of the year last spring, encouraged audiences to “Go Boldly;” and the Nu Chi Conquerors hot air balloon float exclaimed, “Adventure is out there!” Throughout the event, students dove for candy tossed into the crowd and eagerly searched floats for familiar faces. Dr. Dale Adkins, Local Church Ministries Coordinator and honorary on-campus grandpa, could be spotted with the Delta Pi Kings and the Theta Mu Chargers. Student Life deans Dr. Brad and Mrs. Lee Ann Philips and history faculty member Mr. Cooper Statt were also favorites featured in the Parade.
After the processional, the crowds dispersed, still bustling with excitement. That night, new students logged in to Eagle’s Nest to choose which collegian they wanted to be part of. “It was an exciting experience to be able to choose a collegian,” Brooke shared. “It was fun to be with friends and to see what collegians they chose too!”
“It was an exciting experience to be able to choose a collegian.”
The end of Greek Rush signals the beginning of a new chapter in a student’s college career. Each collegian, while different, comes together to make new students feel welcome and supported throughout their college career.