This past school year has been spent recognizing 50 years of empowering Christians leaders who influence their world for Christ. During the final chapel service before summer break, Pensacola Christian College held a Time Capsule Ceremony to conclude a year of celebration and reflection. This ceremony marked the College’s recognition of the past by setting aside pieces representing the 50th year to share with those at PCC during its 75th anniversary.
Preserving the Past
At the ceremony, College President Troy Shoemaker noted the importance of remembering the special moments of one’s past. “There are certain things that you keep and save. You keep them close,” he said. “You treasure them because they mean something to you. It may be a note from somebody. It may be a photograph, may be a memento. But whatever it is, it’s something you hold dear, and you look back at it after a time and remember the meaningful nature of the thing, the person, the event.”

Alongside the large stainless-steel box on the Crowne Centre stage, selected items on display showcased how snapshots of the 50th will be preserved for the future. The contents of the time capsule are more than trinkets—each item was intentionally chosen to capture the events, emotions, and culture of the 50th year, such as include the latest Summit Yearbook, 35th edition of the Fountains Student Publication, Fine Arts Series playbills, the commemorative Update Magazines, an Eagles soccer national championship jersey, several pieces of 50th Year merchandise, and much more. Historical events on a local, national, and international scale have also been preserved through newspapers and magazines.
“I felt like I was a part of something bigger than myself.”
Anna Daniels (Jr., AK) enjoyed the testimonies read on stage and the videos that reminded students of all the special moments this previous school year held. “[The ceremony] is an incredibly monumental moment. ‘Future friends’ of [PCC] will see through it the earnest spirit and desire to further God’s work that inspired the founders and original supporters of the College.” About the collection placed in the box, she added, “I love that they are also placing magazines, Fine Arts brochures and tickets, [PCC] clothing, and a [PCC] thermos in the time capsule. Each one will provide a broader glimpse of what life held for students in the 50th year of PCC.”
Seeing Dr. Shoemaker’s heart for the students and the College stood out to Gabriel Cannon (Jr., LA). “I was touched by his meaningful words and his excitement for what God has planned both for the College and students,” he said. “I feel so incredibly blessed to be a PCC student today. When I came to PCC, I never imagined the community I would find here, and seeing the celebrations today reminded me of the goodness of God and His provision. I felt like I was a part of something bigger than myself.” As a part of the yearbook staff, Gabriel was amazed that something with his name on it was going into the capsule.
After a reading of an alumna’s story and a message to the future from favorite speaker Dr. Johnny Pope, Dr. Jeff Redlin (Youth Ministry ’87), Campus Church pastor and member of the Board of Directors, led a prayer of thanksgiving. To end the ceremony, a student singing group sang “To God Be All the Glory,” written by Paul Thompson (Music Education: Voice ’02, M.A. Music ’04), that had been commissioned and featured in the Gala—Celebrating Our 50th Year. The capsule will be encased in the campanile, a central location on campus.

“The time capsule and everything in there is being sealed,” said Dr. Greg Mutsch, vice president for institutional advancement, in an earlier interview. “With us putting the lid on it, we seal there the memories of the 50th year. But during the chapel service, we also seal those memories in our hearts.” With the goal to encourage, instruct, and inspire, the plan of the capsule’s reopening in 25 years “is for [future generations] to feel that they’re truly a part of a great cloud of witnesses,” Mutsch added.
Reflecting on the Future
When the time capsule is opened in 25 years, today’s PCC leadership hopes that it relays the shared experiences of the 2023–2024 school year. “These stories and photos are just a sampling of hundreds of stories and photos that have been collected throughout PCC’s 50th year,” Dr. Mutsch noted. “When we review them, we are flooded with memories of the good times we shared together. Preserving the past in order to reflect on the future is something we do in all areas of life.”
Lauren Everett (Sr., VA) felt accomplished, knowing she had attended during and contributed to the College’s 50th year. “It has truly been a blessing to be a part of a place that has a rich history of serving God and obeying biblical truth,” Lauren shared. “I have especially enjoyed maturing in my faith in a place that is sincere about glorifying God and teaching its students to glorify God in all areas of life.”
Alongside the ceremony, the 2023–2024 Student Body officers passed the torch to the 2024–2025 officers. Outgoing president Titus Moore (Sr., FL), incoming president Jacob Dudley (So., NC), and Dr. Shoemaker all encouraged pressing forward in the following years. “They all spoke of the blessings God has given PCC for its faithful ministry over the past 50 years,” Lauren continued, “but what stood out to me was how important year 51 will be and the challenge and responsibilities that [current and] future students have in influencing the world and Pensacola for Christ.”
“Preserving the past in order to reflect on the future is something we do in all areas of life.”

While the day caused students to look to the future, some were reminded of their past PCC experiences. “The thing that most stood out was the final song, ‘To God Be All the Glory,’” said Braxton Faulkner (Sr., NC). “As a graduating senior, I was quickly brought to tears as I reflected back on the goodness of God in my life [over] these past four years as a PCC student. Seeing God’s provisional hand guiding each of my steps has been a beautiful display of His never-ending love, grace, and mercy.”
Toward the end of the ceremony, Dr. Shoemaker expressed his gratitude for all that each student had accomplished while celebrating PCC’s golden anniversary. “We’ve shared something really special together this year,” he said. “And each one of us is the better for having gone through it together. I’m so thankful to God for each one of you—for the events, the memories, the connection that we’ve shared. I thank the Lord for you.”
This milestone year has left its mark on the history of PCC, and in 25 years, the time capsule will encourage a new generation of students as they reflect on the time that has passed.