After serving at Pensacola Christian College from 1990 to 2002, Dr. Greg Mutsch served in other ministries for 20 years. This fall, he has returned to PCC as the vice president for institutional advancement. Having spent two decades away, Dr. Mutsch brings a unique perspective and a wealth of wisdom to his new position. He’s enjoyed seeing how PCC’s ministry has grown, and he’s excited to mentor the next generation of PCC students.
1. What were your responsibilities when you were at PCC 20 years ago?
I began as the assistant to the president, and when I left, I was the vice president for administration. Basically, I worked with Dr. and Mrs. Horton in the day-to-day operation of the ministry. It’s been a great privilege to have worked for the first president of the College and now to work for the second president, Dr. Shoemaker. In addition, I preached in chapel, taught Homiletics in the College, and taught a church management class in Pensacola Theological Seminary.

2. What have you been involved in during your years away, and how does that experience influence your perspective now that you’re back?
First, I served in a ministry that started Christian schools. In addition to providing assistance to the pastors in starting a school, the ministry produced curriculum for schools/home schools and provided ongoing training. Many of the schools were in foreign countries, started in tandem with local churches around the world. I traveled to six continents speaking to students and administrators. One of my greatest memories was going to Communist China and speaking in two underground churches that had schools. People meet to worship the Lord on Sunday and then give their children a Christian education Monday through Friday. They do it at their own peril, which made me thankful for the great freedoms we enjoy in America.
For the last eight years, I’ve been the pastor of a church and school ministry in the Nashville area. My heart for ministry is for the church and for Christian education. The church and school relationship is absolutely essential to successful ministry in our day. Churches cannot do what colleges can, but Pensacola Christian College could not do what it does without the churches and schools who send their students here. It is a partnership in God’s greater kingdom.
I came away from those ministry experiences with the overwhelming conclusion that the United States and the world need PCC and its affiliate ministries more than ever.
3. Could you describe in your own words: what is your role now that you are back at PCC?

I serve in a role that is primarily relational in scope. This ministry has a time-tested reputation for getting tasks done well. In addition, Dr. Shoemaker wants to continue to enhance our ministry culture of being relational, both internally and externally. We strive to give students a top-quality experience in every way so they’ll be thrilled to be graduates of PCC and desire to tell others, “PCC was a great experience for me; I think you’d love it too.”
Living in a land that’s rapidly losing its civility, we desire that PCC’s campus be a welcome oasis that cares for those who come here. A ministry needs policy and organization, but at the heart of it, each of us is a human being, and we need positive relational experiences. That doesn’t just happen; it has to be intentional.
4. Many will recognize your wife, Luann, especially because of her past involvement in music ministry and Fine Arts Series productions. How has she served as your partner in ministry?
We’ve been a team for 45 years; Luann is my partner in everything! We’ve both always had a heart for mentoring and engaging with college students. When we were at PCC before, she worked with Mrs. Horton, but the mainstay of what she did was teach music at the College. Since then, she has continued her music ministry. In Nashville, she taught classes and voice lessons at a local Christian college. She also prepared our school’s students through the years for speech and music competitions.
In our church, she was involved in ladies ministry, planning everything from Bible studies to retreats. She also served in the church music program, both singing solos and in the choir. Every year, she wrote and directed a program called Tennessee Family Christmas. She’s also been involved in hospitality and in children’s ministry—everything from Master Clubs to VBS—to telling Bible stories each week in our elementary school.
5. Which PCC traditions and events are you especially looking forward to participating in again?
There are many! The Christmas Lights Celebration that we enjoyed recently is one of our favorite events. Bible Conference and Missions Conference are always a joy. I love going to chapel, and we really enjoy the Campus Church. Basically anything to do with students! We look forward to being part of the students’ lives. Oh—and I love our graduations. The dignity, decorum, and efficiency with which PCC conducts their Commencement exercises is absolutely unparalleled.
6. Of all the on-campus improvements you have seen since you’ve returned, which have made the strongest impression on you?
The advancement in technology, especially the various technologies employed by faculty in the classroom. These include Canvas, Panopto, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, and Bookings, to name a few. There are also more academic offerings in every aspect of the ministry. The College and its affiliates have all moved to the next level—it’s quite something.

7. Since returning, how would you describe the spirit of the current student body?
Friendly, attentive, and spiritually receptive. I see it in the chapel services, and I see it in Campus Church.
8. In your new position, what is your vision for providing an excellent college experience for each student?
In a nutshell, Luke 2:52: “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” We provide wisdom in the classroom, physical development, spiritual development, and social development. My vision would be from the time a student goes through the onboarding process—getting here as a student, moving into the residence hall, getting started in classes—and then until graduating, that we would provide a vital experience that contributes to individual growth in all those areas.
9. Even with all of the online resources that help people research college options, why do you think it’s worth it to come and see PCC in person?
Nothing compares with the on-campus experience. When people come, they’re amazed by the heart of the ministry. They sense it through the dedicated staff, through the spirit of excellence that’s exhibited in everything that’s done here. They’re taken aback by the cleanliness, the orderliness, the efficiency. Those items cannot be fully comprehended through digital and print mediums.
What we all learn is both taught and caught. You can learn about the College by going to the website. All that’s invaluable, and you’ll be taught. But you’ll only catch what’s happening here—the dynamic, warmth, and energy—by being here.
10. What advice do you give to teenagers and young adults as they consider how college fits into their life goals?

The overwhelming percentage of college students will make three important decisions during their college years. They choose, first, what their life’s vocation will be. For everybody, it’s a journey. Some come here knowing what they want to do. One young man I was talking to was a political science major but ended up realizing that God had called him into the ministry. He chose his life’s vocation after some of the experiences he had at PCC. Second, during the college years, many choose their life partner. We all know it is not God’s will for everyone to get married, but for those who do marry, many will meet their future spouse during their college years. Number three, they choose the goals, values, and philosophies by which they will live. An immersive approach to the Bible affects every academic discipline at PCC. Students may not realize the extent to which they have embraced a biblical worldview until they get further into life—but we hope that in retrospect, they will look back and appreciate how PCC impacted them.
This interview has been edited for length and clarity.