For some students, summer vacation means taking time away from school to relax with family and friends. For others, it means setting off around the world to be a blessing to those in need.
This summer, a Youth Outreach Ministry (YOM) summer missions team bound for Guayaquil, Ecuador, ministered to the Deaf community. Jonah Henderson (Fr., CO) joined the team, not entirely sure of what he was getting into.
“As we went out soul winning, I felt useless as an American who speaks no Spanish in a Spanish-speaking country,” he said. “I felt as if all I was going to do was stand around and watch the interpreter do the witnessing. But God provided me with an opportunity to witness to a man who spoke English, and it was amazing to see his openness to the Lord and to see the Lord work.”
The Ecuador team was one of twelve YOM teams that sent PCC students to serve in missions. Other teams went to Australia, Bolivia/Chile, Ecuador (ESL), France, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru (ESL), Peru (Medical), Romania, Spain, and the Philippines.
On the other side of the globe, another team worked in the Philippines alongside veteran missionaries Teddy and Ligaya Fulfer at the Subic Bay Children’s Home. While there, Coty Pratt (Jr., OH) learned what it meant to serve on the mission field.

“The people amazed me in how they were so kind and giving even though they had close to nothing. The people were so open to hear the gospel, and ministering to them was incredible,” he said. “I loved being able to hold a basketball clinic and use the game to bring some happiness to the local kids and more importantly share God’s love with them. Getting close to the children at Subic Bay was very special, and the highlight of my trip came when I got to lead one of those kids to the Lord.”
The team taught the children from the children’s home through Bible clubs, Bible lessons, songs, and games and enjoyed spending quality time with several of the children.
In the Land Down Under, Danielle Paddock (Sr., IN) shared in spreading the gospel with the people of Faith Baptist Church in Melbourne.
“It was such a blessing to see the way the Lord answered prayers during Holiday Bible Club. A few of us were challenged to do things this week that we were not completely comfortable with, but God helped us through,” she said.
The team visited 11 local and Aboriginal community churches in five weeks, hosting Holiday Bible Club, sharing devotionals, playing games, putting on puppet shows, and enjoying bountiful amounts of Tim Tams—a candy popular in Australia.
The YOM teams offered PCC students a chance to minister to churches outside of their own country and comfort zone for a short time, but that time often makes an impact. In recalling his time in the Philippines, Coty said, “I would definitely recommend that everybody go on a missions trip if they have not gone on one before because God will use it to touch your heart in a very special way.”