Semester Old, Semester New
Students return for the fall semester eagerly anticipating the new experiences ahead.
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Students return for the fall semester eagerly anticipating the new experiences ahead.
Summer workers take advantage of a new summer activity and take to the stage!
Inspired by the police officers that rescued her, Ashleigh Howard pursued a criminal justice degree, leading her to rewarding work defending the U.S.
Summer work students embraced opportunities to serve the community by wrapping up 2020–2021 Serve Pensacola projects.
Seniors look back on their time at PCC and offer advice for incoming students.
Students and faculty step away from academics to minister to youth and teens in Youth Outreach Ministry summer camps.
Students take their musical talents and giving hearts on the road as they serve and minister to others across the United States.
On July 19, 2021, Mr. Michael Motz went home to be with the Lord.
PCC sophomore Timothy Hatch went home to be with the Lord on July 12.
While he serves the Lord with his family, Bill Rice Christian Academy administrator Nathan Reeves emphasizes academics and character development in his students.
Many students remained on campus for opportunities to have fun, make new friends, and earn financial assistance.
High school juniors and seniors get a jumpstart on college with the online Dual Enrollment program.
Navy chaplain Lieutenant Commander David Downey provides servicemembers and their families a ministry of presence.
Accounting and mechanical engineering graduates join their skills and values to run their own business, HTS Coatings.
Natural science faculty help students prepare for more specific fields of research and graduate work through a new cell and molecular biology concentration.
Visitors and students are often surprised by the carefully preserved collection of rare Bibles and artifacts in PCC’s Bible Manuscript Room.
Friends and families gathered to celebrate their graduates in a reimagined Commencement experience.
Audiences enjoyed the comedy of Oscar Wilde’s English satire while enjoying a fanciful evening of fun.
Whether jumping into graduate school as a recent alumnus or returning as a seasoned employee, the pursuit of further education encourages professional and personal growth.
Mechanical engineering students learn what it takes to build a working electric vehicle before going head-to-head in an annual competition.
This year’s Summit highlights the theme “Grow Together” as students look back on a challenging, yet fruitful year.
This year, computer science students are joined by cybersecurity and info technology students for a larger Software Expo event.
Nathan Smith and Christa Wei Smith stay flexible as they serve in various roles at EUCON International School and EUCON International University.
Through Serve Pensacola and the Missions Project, the student body grew together while serving others.
Science faculty member Dr. Aresia Watson challenges students to learn more about both God’s creation and the Creator Himself.
Nearing the end of their college career, seniors practice and prepare to showcase their talents.
Students take a break from classes to enjoy new experiences with friends.