thelma johnson

Thelma Johnson went home to be with the Lord on Tuesday, September 29, 2015. She was a dedicated member of Pensacola Christian for 52 years and was a gracious leader and example to others.

Miss Johnson came to Pensacola Christian in 1962 with a desire to invest her life as a Christian school teacher. Her students flourished with her love and care. In 1966 she became the director of Pensacola Christian’s kindergarten program and continued in that role for over 30 years, admired for her leadership and faithfulness. She greatly enjoyed travelling across the nation alongside Dr. and Mrs. Arlin Horton, sharing her expertise at educational seminars for kindergarten teachers and directors. Thousands were encouraged and motivated by her ministry. Even after her retirement in 2014, Miss Johnson continued to minister in the Campus Church to ladies whose lives have been touched by cancer. The PCC family will greatly miss her. Our prayers are with her family and friends.

The funeral service will be held at the Mullenix Chapel on Friday, October 2, 2015, at 4 p.m. with visitation beginning at 3 p.m. Condolences may be shared at the memorial website. In lieu of flowers, arrangements have been made for contributions to be accepted by the PCC Business Office to benefit recipients of the Hallie Johnson Memorial Scholarship, originally established in honor of Thelma’s mother.