As Dean of Professional Studies, Dr. Donna Marion is invested in her team and seeks to help students succeed.
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As Dean of Professional Studies, Dr. Donna Marion is invested in her team and seeks to help students succeed.
As Student Life deans, Dr. Brad and Mrs. Lee Ann Phillips consistently share their hearts with the student body.
After 20 years, Dr. Greg Mutsch has returned to continue investing in PCC students.
As the director of Guest Services, Mr. Jon Tutton welcomes visitors on campus and provides them with an inviting experience.
Mrs. Denise Shoemaker has assisted with leading PCC since 2012. Learn more about her experience in this ten-question interview!
Since 2012, Dr. Dale Adkins has been an encouragement to PCC students. Learn more about him in this ten-question interview!
As Chief Reggie Bartkowski expertly responds to emergencies, he gives students, staff, and faculty peace of mind.
Dr. Raylene Cochran gives insight into her passion for education and exemplary academic excellence.
It all started with grape juice! Join Campus Church Pastor Redlin as he answers ten questions about his life!