Today, Pensacola Christian College students are taking time away from classes for Legacy Bible Conference to enjoy rejuvenating messages from God’s Word. But it’s also a day that only occurs once every four years.
It’s February 29!
What seems like an extra day in February is actually the calendar playing catch-up. The Gregorian calendar was adopted in 1582 and uses a leap year to keep the seasons from slipping forward. Since the earth’s path around the sun is about 365.2422 days long, February gets an additional day tacked on at the end every four years.

But that still doesn’t completely keep the calendar on track. That little bit extra can shift the calendar forward 3 whole days every 400 years. So, to make up for that, leap year gets skipped every 100 years (e.g., 1700, 1800, 1900) unless the year is divisible by 400 (e.g., 1600, 2000).
Complicated? Yes, but necessary! Otherwise, Christmas carolers would find themselves “dreaming of a white Christmas” among spring flowers.
Today might not be a holiday, but it’s definitely special. Some college students may be finally turning 5 or 6 this year! And several current students answered how they’ll be acknowledging the day, especially as it takes place during a special PCC 50th-Year event.
How are you planning to spend leap day?
Andrew Teesdale (Sr., WA): “My family is visiting from Seattle, so I’ll be spending time with them and, of course, going to Bible Conference. My parents rented a vacation house in town, so I’ll definitely be soaking in the hot tub between services.”
Leap day is a natural time to think about the past and the future. Knowing where you are today, what advice would you give yourself four years ago?

Evie Wu (Sr., CA): “Keep doing what you’re doing—Covid won’t last forever—and just go for it. PCC will be amazing!”
Caleb Lee (So., MN): “I would tell myself to work harder in high school. Since coming to PCC, I have realized how much my high school education has helped me to learn and grow at the college level. If I could go back four years, I would have worked much harder to learn as much as I could before coming to college.”
Caleb Gorman (Fr., CO): “I had already had plans to come to PCC; I would have told myself to make good friends at college and then have fun! It’s important to pass your classes. It’s also important to get to know people. I would also say don’t worry so much—God’s got you! (Matthew 6:34)”
What are your goals for the next four years?
Abby Garrard (So., IN): “Before leap year of 2028, I will have graduated (in 2027) with my B.S. in Secondary Education degree and might be finishing up my first year of grad school in pursuing a master’s degree.”
Sidney Huxley (So., TN): “My goals are to finish college and continue on in school to get my master’s in biblical counseling.”
Are you or anyone you know celebrating a birthday on February 29?
Caleb Lee: “Yes! My birthday is on February 29, so leap years are a lot of fun for me. This will only be my fifth actual birthday! It’s a milestone.”
Andrew Teesdale: “My cousin Brookie is celebrating her birthday on leap year. I’ll probably spend that time joking about how she’s only turning four.”
Traditionally in Ireland and Britain, women “take the leap” on leap day and propose first. Ladies, would you be encouraged to ask a fella of interest for a date?

Sarah White (So., GA): “What a cute tradition! Honestly, hanging out with my best friend would be a pretty fun way to celebrate.”
Evie Wu: “I would absolutely plan with a lot of other friends to surprise my boyfriend with a gift and a beautiful date on February 29 when he least expects it . . . that is, if I had a boyfriend.”
Fellas, how do you hope a girl could ask you for a date?
Caleb Gorman: “I’d like her to ask me to Fine Arts (at least as friends), get to know each other better, and hang out some more. I think it would be good to hang out with a group at first.”
Pausing to commemorate one of the more unique days on the calendar only lasts for a moment. With the rest of the semester to go, PCC students are ready to take on what comes next and support each other along the way. “For all the students, don’t quit; keep on pressing forward,” encouraged Micah Sweet (So., WY), citing Isaiah 41:10. “‘Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.’”