So you’re going to earn a degree at Pensacola Christian College. The next four (or so) years can be some of the very best. With a bit of planning and preparation, you’ll be set up for success. As with anything new, let’s start with the basics.
Things to Do Before You Leave Home
Whether you’ve been packing for months or still need to buy a suitcase, we’ve compiled a few lists to help you know what to bring. And who knows better how to pack for college than current students? We asked several what they wished they’d brought their first semester. Check out these lists:

You’re encouraged to personalize your room to make it feel like an oasis. But remember, if you happen to forget anything, the Campus Store should have what you’re missing—as would any local Target or Walmart. And even if you don’t have a vehicle, PCC offers a shopping shuttle every weekend for a minimal fee.
PRO TIP: Familiarize yourself with this list of College lingo and abbreviations. It’ll help you blend in with the upperclass Eagles.
Now that you know what to bring, don’t forget to stay in touch with the people you won’t be seeing for a while: parents, teachers, pastors, and youth leaders, the ones who have been investing in you. Make sure they know how much you appreciate them. A handwritten note is a personal way to demonstrate your gratefulness. And whether they know how to show it or not, your family will miss you. Show them some extra love during those last few days. Yes, even your younger sibling. You won’t regret it.
Now That You’re on Campus
Welcome Weekend is a fast-paced, exciting few days. When you first arrive, you’ll get your PCC Card, which you’ll use as the key to access your residence hall. This card will also allow you to eat at the dining facilities, check out library books, wash clothes, print papers, and many other things you’ll be doing as a well-adjusted student. Making on-campus purchases with your PCC Card saves you 5%. Also, some PCC-owned/associated businesses around town will give you a discount if you show them that you’re a student. Find out where and what’s so great about Pensacola here.
PRO TIP: Keep your PCC Card with you at all times.
At last, you’ll move into your residence hall room. If your family traveled with you, they can help you get situated. But if not, there will be student leaders available to assist.
Next, you’ll want to connect your technology to Wi-Fi, check your mailbox, register your vehicle (if you have one), finalize your class schedule (if necessary), and pick up the textbooks you’ve ordered online. All these things are listed in the Quick Start Guide (check your student email the week of check-in), and there will always be someone ready to help.

Here’s a general overview of the meetings you’ll attend:
- If you’ve enrolled to work, you’ll drop off new hire forms and attend a Student Employee Meeting.
- Did your parents come to drop you off? There’s a Parent Orientation they can benefit from.
- Opening Convocation Meetings take place in the Crowne Centre, a spiritually enriching way to start a brand-new semester.
- A great place to meet other new students is at the 2028 Connection in Varsity. You can enjoy each night of this event if you wish!
- Before the first day of classes, be sure to visit the Tips for Your First Day of Classes meeting to get even more helpful advice.
In the fall, classes begin on a Tuesday; in the spring semester, the first day is a Monday. Before then, you’re welcome to take a walk across campus to locate which building and classroom your classes will be held in, so you’ll know where you’re headed and when. (No need to be that one sprinting across campus!)
It’s Your Time to Fly
College is what you make it. It’s a life-altering journey that affects your entire future—in the best ways. God has some amazing things for you at PCC. As He prepares you to influence the world, He will provide for your needs all along the way—physically, spiritually, socially, academically, and in every other area. Spend regular time in His Word and daily ask for His grace and strength for the tasks ahead!

“Get involved in as many activities as possible,” advises Dr. Raylene Cochran, the PCC Academic Vice President, “and take every opportunity to develop relationships with fellow students, your Student Success Advisor, and your teachers.”
Don’t be afraid to ask someone for help. “There are plenty of other people who are still learning the ropes,” shared Heidi Andrews, Student Activities Office Coordinator. “But there are even more people who are willing and able to help you adjust to college life.”
Draw up some reachable goals and be prepared to grow. Need help staying organized? Get a planner. And be sure to keep a printout or a screenshot of your class schedule close by for those first few days. You’ll have it down, no problem.
You’ve got this.
You’re going to love being a PCC Eagle. Welcome to the nest!