Last week, amid classes or internship responsibilities, numerous students set aside time to attend PCC’s annual Educator Recruitment and consider what may be next for them. Over the span of two days, they spoke with administrators and teachers from 98 Christian schools from as far away as Hawaii and Papua New Guinea to as near as the Northwest Florida area. Students asked questions, collected flyers, and learned about various communities’ needs. But the thing they took away most was the connections.

Ahead of the event, PCC’s Career Services platform posted key information to help students be prepared to make these connections. And though most of the positions available were geared toward those studying education, Educator Recruitment also offered opportunities for others with experience in technology, administration, Bible, and music. Anna Maxwell, coordinator for Alumni and Career Services explained that Career Link, a resource to current students and alumni, also contained “résumé, interview, and career fair prep guides to help prepare for this event.”
An alumnus and a regular attendee of Educator Recruitment, David McClain (Elementary Education ’00, M.S. ’03) is familiar with the opportunities the event offers. Representing Friendship Christian School (NC), McClain said that he was hoping to “connect with any available students and let [them] kind of see who our school is and what we are.” Though McClain doesn’t mind looking at résumés or making connections with graduates online, he prefers meeting students in person so they can see the people involved with the school and get to know who they could be working with in the future.
In fact, Ellen Olson (Elementary Education ’18), who was also representing Friendship Christian School, explained that she got a position at the school through a meeting at Educator Recruitment. Since teaching for three years, she’s moved into an administrative position that allows her to stay home with her infant son while still working part-time.

Elizabeth Stanley (Sr., RI) attended the event in search of a Christian school near her home in need of a junior high science or high school English teacher. She landed interviews with schools in New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Florida, and reached out to schools located in Texas. “I loved getting to see what is out there,” she said. “Many of these Christian schools have a great influence in their surrounding area. I loved to hear about the passions for Christ and plans they want to fulfil to help their students grow spiritually.”

Although he already has a job lined up, Nathan Carlson (Sr., AZ) has stopped by Educator Recruitment for the past three years. He attends to build new connections and catch up with old ones. “I learned that even though I already have a job, Educator Recruitment can still be helpful,” he said. “Having recruitment on campus helps bring to light the many teaching opportunities that I may never have heard of otherwise.”
From Deltona Christian School (FL), Travis Hartsfield (M.S. ’99) sees the value that such events create for students looking for a job or internship opportunities. “It’s good for the students because it gives them opportunity to be exposed to more ministries, and it helps the students see that the need is great,” he said.

Hannah Sweet (Graduate Assistant) agreed that Educator Recruitment can enable connections. She gave résumés to several administrators and landed two interviews during her visit. “Educator Recruitment is valuable because it opens opportunities to students they may not have found on their own,” she explained. “Recruitment allows students to establish one-on-one contact with mission-minded schools without having to travel far.”

As a senior studying sport management, Shelbie Wix (TN) hoped to discuss athletic director, physical education, or coaching positions. “I found two schools that I am greatly interested in after graduation, and I hope to pursue those connections I made,” she said. “With the two schools that left an impact on my mind about my future, I hope to be able to make the decision God would have me make and be able to jump right into that school and church to use my degree and skills I have learned here at PCC.”
In addition to helping students make connections with Christian schools, Educator Recruitment allowed administrators and teachers time to fellowship with each other. For some, this was one highlight they have come to expect and look forward to as they return year after year. Whether asking for financial advice or getting encouragement from others who understand what Christian school ministry is like, many of the administrators have been blessed by these connections.