“The story of PCC is about the people,” said current PCC president Troy Shoemaker sharing his heart at the formal alumni dinner that concluded the 2021 Alumni Homecoming weekend. “People, like you, who have given themselves to the Lord’s service and are being used of God in amazing ways. And people, like those who came alongside and helped invest in us.”

This alumni event presented a special time to recall memories and individuals that made this year’s homecoming extra special. Dr. Shoemaker retold the story of Pensacola Christian School’s beginnings and how it continued to grow into Pensacola Christian College. Then he took the opportunity to introduce special guests in attendance: founder and president emeritus Dr. Arlin Horton and his former vice presidents, Dr. Greg Mutsch and Dr. Joel Mullenix.
“Dr. Horton, a visionary leader, tried things we would never dream of trying,” Dr. Shoemaker said. “People say his business acumen must be so keen. The truth is, Dr. Horton will tell you it’s not about the depth of his business knowledge, but rather his trust in the Lord. When God called Dr. Horton to step out in faith to do something, he did. Everything we see around us, to a great degree, had to do with that step of faith that Dr. Horton took.”

Reflecting on the event, Brad Mullenix, Director of Alumni and Career Services, said, “We wanted to go out of our way and have an exclusive event just for alumni. This year’s event was focused on our alumni and their families, so guests of all ages could attend.”

Activities included dolphin cruises, an Eagles soccer game, Fan Fest, tours of campus, special meals, and leisure time at Camp o’ the Pines and the Sports Center. Anna Maxwell, the Career and Alumni Services Coordinator, added, “We hope our alumni took away encouragement, new memories, connections with old and new friends, the vision for the future of PCC, and more after the event.”
Nearly 500 alumni from California to Washington, D.C., came together to reflect on the seemingly carefree days that were once stressful. Whether they had graduated last year or 25 years ago, alumni returned to reconnect and to enjoy campus with their families.
Since it was their tenth anniversary, Kyle (Music ’11, M.C.M. ’13) and Dorinda (Music Education ’11) Hammond decided to visit their alma mater with their six children. They especially enjoyed bowling at the Sports Center and splashing around in the water park. “We enjoyed being back on campus with our family,” said Dorinda. “It was fun to be able to focus on visiting with others attending. The special meals were nice, and the ‘tailgate’ dinner was super practical—relaxed for the family, fun, and sociable,” she said.
Having been away from campus for a few years, David (Bible: General Studies ’08) and Lisa (Mathematics Education ’08) Weaver, figured it would be fun to attend. “From the reception and the tailgate, then the lunch and banquet, all the food was amazing,” said Lisa, “At Camp o’ the Pines, my kids enjoyed the zip line the best, and I enjoyed a relaxing afternoon with family.” They plan to attend another homecoming during their next milestone year.
Alumni celebrating a milestone graduation year were invited to a reunion breakfast with guests Dr. Mullenix and Dr. Mutsch. During the meal, alumni were asked to share what they remembered most from their college days. It wasn’t the classes or the buildings or events—what they remembered the most was the people, the ones who had influenced their lives, whether a classmate, teacher, or work supervisor.
The relationship doesn’t end after graduation. Alumni are given an opportunity to connect with others, access resources, give financially, and mentor the next generation of leaders through the Alumni Association. “The next generation who will someday take our place in leadership in this country, in our homes, our churches, will need our mentoring,” said Dr. Shoemaker.

PCC alumnus, Campus Church pastor Jeff Redlin, paused for a moment to share gratitude for PCC and how lives have been changed by being here: “We are filled with gratitude regarding this place that has so deeply influenced our lives and others’ who will, in turn, influence their world for Christ. May the Lord’s richest blessing continue on this place.”