If you were to step into Chad (Computer Science ’00) and Marie Talley’s coffee shop in Georgetown, Texas, you’d be welcomed by the sound of sputtering espresso and the fragrance of freshly ground coffee. A barista behind the counter could tell you where these freshly brewed coffee beans were planted, harvested, and then ground for your steaming (or iced) cup—and you may want to snap a picture before biting into one of the café’s unique Instagram-famous sandwiches, hot off a waffle iron.
Before becoming a café owner, Chad has had a successful career at Dell Technologies for the last 15 years, currently acting as director of global process engineering. About 3 years ago, he and his wife felt God calling them to find a new way to serve their community and discovered Just Love Coffee Café, a growing business franchise originally founded to help families with adoption expenses. They knew that opening a location would create many opportunities to demonstrate God’s love.
“We are called to make a difference in our world, and what better way than providing a place where everyone feels true love? We shared a common bond in our faith with the café’s founders, and we believed this was a step God was calling us toward,” Chad said. “We believe God wanted us to be a part of the community, and we express our faith through God’s command to love Him completely and to love our neighbor.”

Now, both in the café and in his job at Dell, Chad Talley uses the lessons that he learned at college. “What I learned at PCC—and have applied at every job—is the desire and drive to be excellent and do my best, realizing that it is a reflection of who I am as a believer,” Chad said. “The Word tells us to do everything to the best of our ability and God’s glory. In a professional career, people see God in what I say and how I perform. My classes all gave me core skills, but it was the desire to do my best for God that caused me to be successful in my career.”
Chad also traces his heart for ministry back to a sermon he heard at PCC. “I truly believe this journey has only been possible because in the middle of my college career, God asked me to fully commit to Him,” he said. “I chose to truly follow Christ for my life. It hasn’t been perfect, but it has been awesome.”
As Chad and Marie Talley operate Just Love Coffee Café, they’ve created a space for people to eat, drink coffee, worship, study, and work. “God has used this to stretch our faith, but more importantly, to create a place where everyone is welcome,” said Chad. “My wife and I get to meet and talk to thousands of people and be a light to those we meet. We are constantly amazed at how our café is used for His purpose.”
Together, the Talleys have readily followed God’s leading and are glad to see the good He provides through them. “Scripture tells us to commit our ways unto the Lord, and He will direct our paths,” Chad said. “I have seen that the more I commit to Him, the more He allows me to do for Him.”
Read more about how God is directing and working through PCC faculty and alumni.