A rainy week could not put a damper on student activities at Pensacola Christian College. On a gray Wednesday, students came together for Christian Service Expo in the Crowne Centre. When Friday dawned to heavy clouds, student officers took a tough vote and decided Greek Rush’s Connect, usually an outdoor affair, would be inside the Sports Center. Armed with umbrellas, students showed up, eager to take on the semester in Greek spirit—no matter the weather.
Christian Service Expo: Committed to the Community
At PCC, students discover opportunities to grow as Christian leaders by sharing the gospel through 55 Christian Service groups. Each semester at Christian Service Expo, student leaders man information booths, handing out fliers and explaining their ministries. This exciting Wednesday night marks a recommitment to service—a pillar of PCC’s Greek life.

As hundreds of students mingled, one sophomore’s passion was unmissable. Outfitted in a suit and newsboy cap, Tate Cockman (So., OH) brandished a Sword of the Lord newspaper, declaring “Good News!” A leader of the Good News Bible Club, Tate was happy his friend Sam Miano (So., NV) pushed him to join when they were freshmen. Tate, Sam, and the other members teach children’s Bible lessons, sharing the gospel and growing in unity. Tate shared, “The most rewarding part is [building] my relationships! My closest friends are from Christian Service.”
Leaders like Tate gave a lively welcome to new arrivals. Damaris Pintilei (Fr., Romania) observed, “Everybody is so involved. Everybody is so [passionate] for Christ!” Damaris signed up for Evangelistic Entertainers, a children’s Bible club that presents the gospel through juggling, balloon animals, and more. Appreciating this creative approach, Damaris shared, “It’s about planting seeds in their hearts.”
“Christian Service allows me a time that I can lay aside all other problems and tasks to focus on spreading the love of Christ. The new students can be the best encouragement.”
The enthusiasm was contagious, and Christian Service leaders looked forward to serving with their new members. David Adkins (Jr., GA), leader of Sodalis Milton Senior Living, was impressed by the dedication of onboarding students. “Christian Service allows me a time that I can lay aside all other problems and tasks to focus on spreading the love of Christ.” David shared, “The new students can be the best encouragement.”
Greek Rush: A Ministry to Fellow Students
At PCC’s Greek Rush, 48 collegians unite to welcome and recruit new students. These student-led organizations build unity through outings, Christian Service, sports, and more. Greek Rush begins with the Connect—where collegian members chat with students at decorated booths. After, each collegian marches in the parade along Main Drive.
This year, student officers moved the Connect inside the Sports Center because of the rain. Despite the inconvenience, each collegian was well prepared. “I love seeing my collegian come alive and meeting new freshmen,” shared Matt Ritchey (Jr., PA), leader of the Phi Beta Spartans. “A collegian is a great way to connect with others you wouldn’t normally see around campus.”

Like Matt, Carena Raymer (Jr., TX), leader of the Alpha Theta Rockets, looked forward to new arrivals. “We want our collegian to be a place where every freshman who walks in will feel welcome, like they belong,” said Carena. “We [treat] every aspect of Greek Rush as a ministry toward our fellow students.”
The collegians’ preparation paid off—students loved the Connect. Offering snacks, games, and friendly conversation, the collegian members reached out to everyone. “The Mustangs have coffee. And then the Phoenixes—they’re giving out pancakes! You can have different flavors and whipped cream,” shared Noelle Smith (Fr., GA). “Just being here and hanging out with my friends, seeing the different things the collegians have, and seeing how everyone is having a good time taking a break from school—honestly, it’s awesome. I’m so excited to join a collegian and hang out with people.”
“Honestly, it’s awesome. I’m so excited to join a collegian and hang out with people.”
At 8 p.m.—umbrellas readied—students filed out of the Sports Center for the parade. Collegians gave decorating their all. Float concepts ranged from the Pi Kappa Cougars’ LEGO outfits to the Delta Chi Knights’ replica armor.
When the final float had passed through Main Drive, the crowd dispersed, full of great impressions. “The collegian members were really welcoming—it’s a good opportunity to interact with upperclassmen,” shared Rachel Haynes, (Fr., NY). “I liked how excited the members were to represent their collegians.” Greek Rush completed, freshmen logged onto Eagle’s Nest to sign up for their chosen collegians.
After Christian Service Expo and Greek Rush, PCC students are ready for another semester of impacting the world for Christ. United in faith, collegian and Christian Service members support each other, new students, and the community beyond.