The written word reaches more audiences than any other form of communication, so why not learn how to use it professionally?
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PCC News Articles that reference Pensacola Christian College Alumni.
The written word reaches more audiences than any other form of communication, so why not learn how to use it professionally?
After spending time in Uganda, Africa, youth ministries graduate Clay Cox realized what truly matters in life and what to do about it.
Writing for both secular and religious publications, Rob Walker has learned to balance the expectations of both authors and editors using skills gained from PCC.
Through the Alumni Association, alumni build connections with each other, their alma mater, and the current student body.
Having grown up valuing church and community ministry, Phil Green continues to serve others as a Michigan State Representative.
Speech communication graduate Hannah Johnston faced difficult challenges as an undergrad, but with God’s help, persevered through them.
Prepared to follow the Lord’s leading, Chad Talley thrives as a director at Dell Technologies and a coffee franchise owner.
Alumni use their insight into the student experience as they share God’s Word from the chapel pulpit.
Amidst a growing Islamic community, Josh Levesque answers God’s call to plant a new church in Dearborn, Michigan.
This past weekend, PCC graduates returned to campus and reconnected with those who had influenced their lives.
With competence and integrity, office administration graduates are prepared to keep stride in any office setting.
Josh and Rebecca Florence use their ministry to reach Papua New Guinea for Christ as church planting missionaries.