As the semester dwindled down and summer excitement began to light up, students were ready to embark on new adventures—from marriage to graduate school to missions trips and more.
The 2018–2019 school year was an extraordinary experience for the Pensacola Christian College family. In addition to enjoying annual events such as Fine Arts and Christmas Lights, many were thrilled at the unique opportunities this year presented such as being the first people to tour Rice Tower.

For some, the student body theme of “Rise Up” (encouraging students to always reach for new heights) became very literal as they seized unique opportunities to rise up and help their communities. “It was amazing to see the student body come together to help victims of Hurricane Michael,” said Sarah Jordan (Sr., AL), describing the storm that impacted Panama City, Mexico Beach, and other towns in the Panhandle. “The community was hurting, and many students saw that and did what they could to help relieve the pain of that storm.”
Throughout the school year, students continued to show their support through services to their communities and the world. The freshman and sophomore classes united students to complete community projects. Even up to the last few weeks of school, where much of the student body joined together for the annual Missions Run, students were raising support and showing their caring hearts for the people of Tanzania.
Now that the school year has come to a close, students are seizing the chance to take the lessons they’ve learned this year into the world. While many are following the call to serve as counselors in summer camps or missions team members, some are stepping into new educational paths, beginning the lifelong adventure that is marriage, and starting careers.

“I’ll be starting my Ed.D. in Elementary Education,” said Cynthia Autry (Graduate Assistant). “I want to eventually start a school. I have my bachelor’s in biology education (music minor) and my master’s in educational leadership, so I want to get more training in how elementary works before I start the school.”
Cynthia also has the opportunity to co-lead a missions trip to Chile where her team will spend two weeks teaching English, sharing the gospel, and running a music program for students. Every opportunity she follows is giving her the chance to prepare for future service.

Another student striving to reach new heights this summer is Brandon Stokes (Sr., WA). Brandon is excited for the summer as it brings him marriage and the start of his career as he moves to New Mexico to attend police academy.
“I’ve always enjoyed the end of the semester and seeing the fruits of my labors,” Brandon said. “This semester, I get to see the results of my entire college career. I am excited to be getting out into the job world and applying what I learned in my classes to start my career and very excited to be marrying my best friend. We’ve been dating three years, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her.”
As this year concluded, PCC students headed out across the globe. Whether they are serving in ministries, starting careers, or working to earn money for school, they will strive to reach new heights.